Outfit #14- Cinderella Sleeves, Bell-bottom Pants, and Sock Heels

Puffy Sleeved Top: Lord and Taylor

Basically, I found this outfit by accident. I brought this top into the dressing room thinking it would be either 1) a good laugh or 2) a good laugh. Thinking the outfit was already a no-go, I tried it on with these bell bottom hippie pants I would have rather died than worn in high school. GUESS WHAT: it ended up looking great together. I'm maturing, Sam! Look at me, trying new things.

I’ve always wanted to try mixing different patterns together, but have never found a good pairing. The shirt has thin, vertical stripes and the pants also have staggered, vertical arrows and flowers. Usually I would never wear loud pants like this but I honestly loved the way my legs looked in them. And I think the bold, cinderella-like sleeves simmers the pants down a couple notches. This top is super thin and light. Its stretchy which is makes it comfortable around my torso and arms. It leaves my my neck and chest exposed so it's perfect for a hot day. It’s also great if you're sitting out in the sun so you can get a tan with no tank top lines. :) Steph said the shirt looks like I have adult diapers on my arms. I said the sleeves look like Pirates Booty cheese puffs. Draw your own conclusion... but this is top is adorable nonetheless.

Bell-Bottom pants- California Moonrise

 I think I had these exact pants in the fourth grade. If you were to tell me I would wear patterned, bell bottom pants ever again and LIKE IT, I would have laughed at you harder than the grinch laughed at the Who's down in Whoville. Grabbed these off the rack like the pretzels you don't want at a super bowl party but you eat anyway because they're there.  They are high-waisted, stretchy, and long. The flare at the bottom is just what this outfit needed. Added Bonus: Another easy way to get out of wearing jeans. Patterned pants can sometimes be difficult for muscular legs because it can make you legs look wide and untoned. Pants like this can also look cheap very easily. I think this vertical pattern and high waist flattered my legs very well. The combination of colors is perfection. Pink and blue together gets me every damn time. Also would look cute with just a plain white crop top and flip flops. 

Sock Heels: Jessica Simpson-ON SALE

Jessica Simpson man. I knew I liked her. I'm picking up what she's putting down if you know what I mean. I don't think that makes sense but whatever. These heels slip right on your feet like socks. Its kind of like wearing nipple covers on your feet. No straps or heel cups means no blisters. These are a stretchy, woven shoe with a vintage look. The chunky heel makes life 1000% easier. They look like peep-toe booties but won't make your feet sweat. I love this beige color and they will look bomb with a summer tan. I think they'll look great with mini dresses and boyfriend cut jeans as well.

Photography: Madelyn Wood @mfwcode