"Female Athletes Are Fun" Challenge #SportingChicScene



Kristie seems to be full of good ideas lately. She came up with a brilliant idea on her "evening jog" the other night to recreate the scene from Stepbrothers where Brennan has to lick the white dog poop. It took Steph and I a couple of days to come around. Why does that have anything to do with Sporting Chic? We finally figured it out.

We created Sporting Chic to promote female athletes and women's sports, but we want to do it in a way that represents who we are. We do not want this company to be a stiff, rigid, fact-pumping machine. We want to to be a community where women from all corners of the sports world come together to not only learn, but LAUGH.

What will bring the female athlete community together better than a challenge where we all recreate scenes from the funniest movies and TV shows out there? We have some of our friends working on making their own versions of the Sporting Chic "Female Athletes Are Fun" Challenge. In the meantime, get to thinking about your own. Post a video and tag us using the hashtag #SportingChicScene for a chance to be reposted and glorified for all eternity on social media. 

Here's our scene from Stepbrothers. Enjoy!